QC-Model of Teamwork

This article is a short summary, please refer to the "Coaching Model of Teamleadasky Framework" section of the longread for details.

Teamleadsky Framework distinguishes the Qualities and Capabilities spaces of teamwork.

The purpose of this model is to provide the team members with a common ground for a dialog about their state of teamwork and decisions on improvements.
QC-Model of Teamwork - Teamleadsky
Teamwork Qualities
The four major qualities of a team are: Engagement, Productivity, Commitment and Drive.
Team Qualities - Teamleadsky
  • The level of Engagement shows how much the team members are contributing to the decision-making on both "How?" and "What?", and determines whether the team can switch from push to pull management. The team with a high level of Engagement will generate a lot of ideas about technical solutions, and also on how to address the stakeholders' needs best.
  • Commitment and Productivity are not the same qualities. Productivity is the research and development speed of your team. While the level of Commitment would be reflected in meeting deadlines and sticking to team agreements.
  • Most of the tech projects are long stories. While the projects continue, market conditions and organizational changes take place. The teams with high levels of personal Drive among the team members are more resilient to these influences. As well, it helps a great deal, when the people, who are making the core technical and product decisions, stay on board. Drive is the personal reason for a team member to put an effort into the work of the team.
Teamwork Capabilities
Every team working in Information Technology has to be able to Deliver, Learn and Innovate.
Teamwork Capabilities
  • By Delivering, we mean sensing the priorities, balancing feature creation with removing technical debt and refactoring code base for the needs of the organization.
  • Learning means adopting new tech stack, switching to the new ways of working or exploring new business domains.
  • And finally Innovating means prototyping and experimenting in search for an optimal solution.
Depending on the objectives and stages of the projects the team is working on, the team will need to be to be stronger at some capabilities than others.